Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reflection #8: "Bad Luck, Why Americans Exaggerate"

Now on days everyone is scared from terrorist attacks. That’s because the government has given us fear, they make all this fear that we got it is all because of them. This essay talks about how everyone exaggerates when it comes to terrorist.

The government used those like an excuse to sell more things to us. They are like: “There is an attack in x place, buy some food and other thing so you can be safe if something happens. It is like weather, they announce hurricanes so we buy food, candles, things to guard our windows and other thing. The fears that we have made us buy all those things and do everything they told us to do. They manipulate us and all because of the money. They are also scared that the people revealed themselves to the government so they keep putting fear on us so that does not happen.

The essay also says that those entire things that people fear of have a low percent to happen like an airplane crash, how many accidents of airplanes happens in a year? How many times does a cruise crash? All those things are what build the fear in us. It is more dangerous to walk on the streets at nights than fly in a plane, it is true. We have to surpass those fears and concentrate in what really danger is like a car accident and things like those that happens almost every day. That does not mean that we are going to stop driving cars it just that we have to be caution and forgot those fears that the government have put on us so many years. It is time for us to see the true, live our own life like we like to and don’t let nobody tell us what to do and what to fear.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Reflection #7:Its the womans, stupid

This essay describes the woman’s rights, basically how different they are in the Muslim culture to our cultures. This essay shows how the woman suffers because they do not have any rights at all. They can not choose anything; they are like robots the do what they are told to. There is also no democracy; I can not imagine how difficult it is to woman there. How could they do such thing, the woman’s are the most precious thing in the world. They are the ones that make us who we are. Also we always tend to think this as being so far away but, we have an example like this pretty close, its Cuba and there men and women are brained washed to think that dictatorship is the best thing that has ever happened to them this occurs since they are young. This essay shows us how important the woman's rights are. Because the realities is extremely different, today women compose a huge part of the work force and are the ones that in many women are the ones who work and men are what we used to call “house wives.”

Also the other purpose of this essay is to inform the reader that the biggest difference between the Middle East and the western society is the gender equality. Many people are always wondering; why does the western society have so many conflicts with the Middle East? Well I think that the main cause of all those conflicts is that the people that live in the Middle East are envious of the American economy and live style.

This was a very good essay in the way that informs us the current situation in Muslim. I thing that they need to gave the woman's the same respect that they have for men’s.