Saturday, August 18, 2007

Reflection #1: Brainstorming!!!!!!!!

Hi, I'm here to tell you the things that i like about your class. I don't usually like does classes because I'm not passionate about English class. But you make things seems a lot better or may i say easy.

In last class we talk about brainstorming, how to use it or make it work. I have never laugh so much in a English class. When we began to talk about all the things that match the word vacation, that was a lot of fun. Also all the things we say about the drinking word. It was hilarious all those that that you can find with just one word. When the word reggaeton came out we didn't imagine you dancing reggaeton. So probably you were wandering why does in the back of the classroom are laughing so much, well it was because we imagine you dancing reggaeton and drunk at the same time, that's funny right? Because of that we were wandering if you are going to the yellow pass this Thursday, I'm just kidding, but if you are going let us know so we can drink some beers with our English teacher. That could be a lot of fun. Anyways back to the brainstorming, that could it be or is a great way to began to write something.

About the free writing, i specially don't like to write essays, stories or anything that have to be in English but you are convincing me just a little that is good. That does not mean that I'm beginning to like it. The reasons why i don't like it are:
1-You need to be creative
2-You need to be patient
3-You need to think a lot
And i don't have all of those thing at the same time.

You were right when you say all those things about the authors. Shakespeare is awesome but is too complicate, he share complicate words with us but that is what make him so great. I do not know who is Allan Poe but it seems to be a great author by the way all of you talk about him. Well that's all i have to say, see you in the next class.

1 comment:

Roxandra Perez said...

Hi, David you rigth about the english class that day it was very fun.The professor is always traying to make the class intresting and funny. Any way I liked about what you wrote it is very creative see you in class. Bye