Sunday, September 23, 2007

Reflection #5:Is there a solution to Global Eating Disorder?

Global eating disorder is all around the world, is a problem that have spread in the whole world. Is something that people worried about. This are basically eating and body images problems and this eating and body images problems are not only crossing racial and class lines, but gender lines. They have also become a global phenomenon.

An example for this is one that gave us the book. Fiji's, they are islands that do not have access to televisions until 1995, when a single station was introduced. Before that, all the girls no matter how large , they were comfortable with their bodies. After that 11 percent of woman reported vomiting to control weight and 62 percent of the girls surveyed reported dieting.

The real question is: 'Is there a solution to global eating disorder?' I can not give the answer to that question because i am not familiar with any of this problems and never encounter with one but I'm sure that there must be a solution to at least control it, not cure it, control it. With all the technology we have in this days I'm sure there is something, some pills or medicine that help people with this problems to control that person for a while, so they wont feel uncomfortable with their body images.

Is like i said before, there have to be something, also it is a cultural problem.. If eating disorder were biochemical, as some people claim, how can we account for there spread across race, gender and nationality? What I'm saying is that in empire of images, no one lives in a bubble or self-generated "dysfunction" or permanent immunity. The sooner we recognize that and start paying attention to the culture around us and what it is teaching our children the sooner we can begin developing some strategies for changes.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Reflection #4: The Veiled Threat

In this paragraph yu will see how the regimen act and how they take control on every movement of the society. I hope you enjoy it the way i did.

The most important thing mention in the paragraph 35 is that the regimen create a special vice squad that patrol the cities on the look out for any citizen guilty of a "moral offense". This guards have the right or permission to enter every public place and even enter to private homes. They look for alcoholic drinks, "decadent" music or videos, people playing cards, sexually mixed parties or unveiled women. All of this things were consider crimes and the people, women and men, was arrested and send to jail. This guards have no mercy for now body if they saw something "out of order" they take the person away. A lot of normal and common things were prohibit, even clothes, nail polish and Reebok shoes were treated lethal weapons.

With all of this situation that was happening at first only a handful of encounter women had opposed the law. But 20 years later children's of 20 years old and less are the ones that get arrested, by the vice squads, more frequently because they opposed to the regimen a they do not follow the "moral" laws.

In the paragraph 37 it is mention that the women were uncomfortable with the modernization and secularization that had taken place in Iran since the revolution. And so Ayatollah Khomeini, who protested when women were granted the right to vote, was received whit open arms and change his way of thinking to get all the votes of the women. Since then women began to work. The encounter women that have no been part of the regimen reaming in their jobs and the regimen gets benefits. And whit time the traditionalist women find out that they have a lot in common, whit the encounter women so their differences gradually blurred.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Reflection #3:The Spanglish

In the latest class we discuss two essays. Both of them were assign to be readed in our home so we can discussed later in class. The first one was call Mute in an English-Only World. The second one was call Spanglish: The making of a New American Language.

The first essay is about a korean family. There were a mom with two childrens. She had store and live in New York. The problem was that the mother did'nt speak english so well so she wait until her children who were six and seven years old, came from school so they went with her to buy some things to her store. One day they went to a new store to buy some oxtail, they enter to the place and stayed there for a long time and nobody notice them. One lady appoach to her and wave a ticket so then they wait pattiently again until a man call their number. She began to search for them but theres nowere to be found, then the man ask her and she get nervious so she say the koren word for oxtails, soggori. The men look at her strange and call the next one in line.

Those kind of sad stories are the ones that make me want to lear how to speak english.

The second one talk about a mexican who came to the United States, he explains how it all begins. He arrived in Manhattan in the mid-eighties. He stayed in an apartment in Broadway with three roommates. He encounter a lot of different languages in the streets. He said that near him was a store that sells newspaper in spanish like El Diario/La Prensa, Noticias del mundo, etc.. In those newspaper were written some things that seems hilarious to him like: "Conviertase en invesor del Citibank", "Para casos de divorcios y child support, llame a su advocate personal al (888) 745-1515.", and " Alerta! Carpinteros y window professionals. Deben de tener 10 aƱos de experiencias y traer tools". Thats what we call Spanglish. So thats basically what this essays talks about.