Monday, September 10, 2007

Reflection #4: The Veiled Threat

In this paragraph yu will see how the regimen act and how they take control on every movement of the society. I hope you enjoy it the way i did.

The most important thing mention in the paragraph 35 is that the regimen create a special vice squad that patrol the cities on the look out for any citizen guilty of a "moral offense". This guards have the right or permission to enter every public place and even enter to private homes. They look for alcoholic drinks, "decadent" music or videos, people playing cards, sexually mixed parties or unveiled women. All of this things were consider crimes and the people, women and men, was arrested and send to jail. This guards have no mercy for now body if they saw something "out of order" they take the person away. A lot of normal and common things were prohibit, even clothes, nail polish and Reebok shoes were treated lethal weapons.

With all of this situation that was happening at first only a handful of encounter women had opposed the law. But 20 years later children's of 20 years old and less are the ones that get arrested, by the vice squads, more frequently because they opposed to the regimen a they do not follow the "moral" laws.

In the paragraph 37 it is mention that the women were uncomfortable with the modernization and secularization that had taken place in Iran since the revolution. And so Ayatollah Khomeini, who protested when women were granted the right to vote, was received whit open arms and change his way of thinking to get all the votes of the women. Since then women began to work. The encounter women that have no been part of the regimen reaming in their jobs and the regimen gets benefits. And whit time the traditionalist women find out that they have a lot in common, whit the encounter women so their differences gradually blurred.

1 comment:

]\/[ari() said...

Hello David. I think your post was very well presented. I was amazed when I read the essay and I am amazed again at how the women were treated so poorly. It's a good thing that we live in a civilized place where everyone is treated equally. Can you imagine things being here in Puerto Rico like they are in Iran? I wouldn't be able to live in a place like that. Very good post! See you in class.